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ROSA Socialist Feminist Movement Ireland & abortion rights victory 5 Year Anniversary
On the 5th anniversary of the historic Repeal vote and the winning of abortion rights, Ruth Coppinger (former Socialist Party TD and...

Rise Up for Bodily Autonomy
International Safe Abortion Day 28 September, 2023 by Isidora Duran Stewart , ROSA Socialist Feminist Movement in Ireland “Legal abortion...

#WeBelieveShelby – Stop sexism in the music industry
Joint statement of ROSA activists in Germany and Northern Ireland In Mid May, Shelby Lynn, a woman from Northern Ireland published a...

ROSA Socialist Feminist Movement Ireland & abortion rights victory 5 Year Anniversary
On the 5th anniversary of the historic Repeal vote and the winning of abortion rights, Ruth Coppinger (former Socialist Party TD and...

Fight the Right-Wing Backlash with Socialist Feminism
Across the world today, International Women's Day 8 March, 2023, activists with ROSA International Socialist Feminists and International...

In March, the heart of revolutionary feminism will beat in Vienna -- make sure you’re there!
10 days after International Women’s Day -- 8 March 2023, which is shaping up to be a day of massive struggle around the world -- around...

WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM: International Day for Elimination of Gender Violence 2022
Protest with ROSA International Socialist Feminists to end violence against women and LGBTQ people this 25 November “Woman, life,...

Hundreds attend Bread & Roses Festival of Socialist Feminism in Dublin
More than 250 people attended the Bread & Roses Festival of Socialist Feminism organised by ROSA / ROSA NI that took place in Dublin on...

Vilification of Amber Heard should be a concern of all who oppose gender-based violence
By Steph Lacey, ROSA Socialist Feminist Movement, Limerick, Ireland From #MeToo, to Ni Una Menos, to the mass outpouring of grief and...

Worldwide socialist feminist struggle needed for abortion rights
International Socialist Alternative and ROSA International Socialist Feminists call for worldwide solidarity a s women, workers and poor...

25 November: International Day Against Violence Against Women 2021
Statement from ISA’s International Women’s Bureau and ROSA International 2021 has been another year of struggle against sexism,...

Why Britney Spears’ Struggle Gets An Echo
By Ginger Jentzen, Socialist Alternative USA #FreeBritney Mega-pop star Britney Spears gave twenty-three minutes of testimony at a recent...

International Women’s Day 2021: an overview
International Women’s Day (IWD) this year was marked by protests in many parts of the world. These were, however, only the tip of the...

We need socialist feminism against capitalist violence!
25 November 2020, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Statement of by the ISA’s International Women’s Bureau...

Global uprisings against oppression – socialist feminism now more than ever
By Emma Quinn Whenever there is a crisis, be it war, climate catastrophe or a pandemic, it is women, people of colour, indigenous...

Soaring Rates of Domestic Violence and Attacks on Abortion Rights
By Rebecca Green - August 17, 2020417, article from Socialist Alternative More than 160,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S....

London Women’s Day convention a big success
On 8 March 2020, Socialist Alternative held its first London-based ‘Bread and Roses - Socialist Feminist Convention’

On March 9th, 36 million women are expected to go on strike in Mexico
Mexico, For a socialist feminism against sexist violence! Alternativa Socialista, ASI Mexico. In the last year, millions of women have...

US: Socialist Feminism and the New Women’s Movement
A new women’s movement is emerging in the U.S. and internationally in the context of major threats to women’s hard won gains

US: Escalate the Fight to Defend Reproductive Rights
Last year, nine states passed restrictive abortion bills throughout the south and midwest in the hopes of igniting a relitigation over Roe.

A Marxist Feminist Reply: Class Struggle and Women’s Liberation
In recent years, the global women’s movement has reintroduced the strike as a form of struggle on a mass scale...
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