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From #MeToo, to Ni Una Menos, to the Google workers walkout, to the millions strong feminist strikes in the Spanish state, to protests that have banned “marry your rapist” laws in the Middle East, to the successful movement that made abortion free and legal in Ireland, a feminism of struggle on the streets & in our workplaces has powerfully emerged.
Around the world, we are active in aiding to build this struggle, and the socialist-feminist wing of the movement.
Fighting all forms of misogyny and sexism is linked to the fight for rent control and public housing; the fight for decent and equal pay; the climate justice movement; and fighting racism, transphobia & the far-right.
Socialist feminism means breaking with establishment feminism that seeks to feminise the capitalist elite.
Capitalism— a system that breeds extreme wealth inequality, based on exploitation, a system that perpetuates war — is a system incapable of ending oppression and violence.
Help us build a socialist feminist movement, allied with the whole working class and oppressed of this world — to struggle against all exploitation and oppression & fight for a socialist future, free from violence, wealth inequality & environmental destruction!
Named after revolutionary socialist, Rosa Luxemburg and civil rights campaigner, Rosa Parks , we are an international network of socialist feminists, established by women, LGBTQI, young & people of colour activists. Get in touch with us today to join our network & struggle — “give us bread but give us roses!”
As we go marching, marching
We bring the greater days
For the rising of the women
Means the rising of us all
No more the drudge and idler
Ten that toil where one reposes
But the sharing of life's glories
Bread and roses, bread and roses
Find out more
Read ROSA's founding declaration here
Find us on Instagram here
Find us on Facebook here
You want to get active with us or have a question?
Write us here
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