10 days after International Women’s Day -- 8 March 2023, which is shaping up to be a day of massive struggle around the world -- around 200 socialist feminist activists from all continents will come together in Vienna, Austria, on 18 & 19 March. Contact us to book your spot whether you are already a ROSA member, or someone looking to get active in our urgent struggle.
The 2010s saw the emergence of a global feminist wave. And from Ni Una Menos, to Abortion Rights victories; from #MeToo to BLM, to climate and feminist strikes; from strikes of nurses and care workers -- women and LGBTQ young & working people have been to the forefront of struggle globally. These movements put femicide and gender violence on the political agenda, won abortion rights in Ireland, Argentina, South Korea and more, and pushed back against sexist, racist and homophobic / transphobic attitudes around the world.
The 2020s dawned amidst a “permacrisis” of capitalism; inflation, pandemic, war, climate catastrophe. The multifaceted crisis disproportionately impacts working class and poor women with the skyrocketing of gender violence, housing, health and cost of living crises. On the one hand, we’ve seen the feminist struggle taken to new heights with the Woman Life Freedom revolt against the Iranian dictatorship, and on the other a huge backlash against the feminist wave, from the overturning of Roe V Wade in the US, to Andrew Tate and anti-feminist reaction, to the rise of the far-right.
This is a warning to us all. We will not be dragged backwards! Striking forward in struggle, and solidarity and fighting back with socialist feminism is the only way ahead ! This conference happens at a crucial moment -- one in which victories already won are threatened, and in which we must deepen our international solidarity and commitment to anti capitalist and socialist feminism. With discussions about socialist feminist history, theory and action, this event promises to enrich all our struggles around the world. It’s not to be missed! Speakers from India, South Africa, US, Mexico and more include leaders in movements to stop gender violence and to win bodily autonomy, as well as socialist feminist trade unionists leading struggles in the care sector, activists against racist police violence, and trans rights campaigners.
By building the struggle, Rosa and the socialist feminist work of ISA overall has led the way to significant victories for the feminist movement in several countries over the last years. Sharing experiences between activists from all over the world and learning from them is what the Rosa International Socialist Feminist Conference is about.
Speakers include:
Ruth Coppinger - Founding Rosa member and Socialist Party activist in Ireland, who fought inside and outside the parliament for abortion on demand and against gender based violence and victim blaming
Kshama Sawant - Socialist Alternative City Councilmember, she led the fight to make Seattle the first abortion sanctuary city in the US
Meena Kandasamy - Indian anti-caste and feminist activist, poet, writer and translator
more tba

Don't miss this opportunity -- book your place now: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSfwQOrXTNuEs2.../viewform
You can also participate online in case you cannot travel to Vienna. Please also fill out the registration form linked above to get all info
You can also support this conference by contributing to the travel costs of activists from Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Mexico, Chile, Russia and China by donating here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/rosaireland
>> Include the note "Rosa conference" in your donation <<