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ROSA Socialist Feminist Movement Ireland & abortion rights victory 5 Year Anniversary
On the 5th anniversary of the historic Repeal vote and the winning of abortion rights, Ruth Coppinger (former Socialist Party TD and...

8M SOUTH AFRICA: International Women’s Day: Working Class Unity to Defeat Gender-Based Violence
Today, the 8th of March, is International Women’s Day, a day commemorating the historic struggle for women’s rights. As the world looks...

Foundation of ROSA Germany : Sexism is systemic – organize & fight back!
150 years Rosa Luxemburg, 110 years International Women's Day – and again women* stand at the forefront of protests today. Feminist...

8M RUSSIA : Outrageous Attack on Socialist Feminists in Moscow
Build support for International Women’s Day protests in Russia! On 27th February the Nikulinsky Regional Court in Moscow took the...

8M IRELAND : Socialist feminism more relevant than ever
In recent years, working-class women and LGBTQ+ people fought for and won significant victories. In the South, the historic marriage...

8M BRASIL : New crises, old demands: we want to stay alive! For the lives of women!
A year of pandemic crisis combined with one of the deepest economic crises threatens head-on all our gains, as well as making it clear...

8M BELGIUM : Never more reasons to come out on International Women’s Day!
Last year 10.000 people marched on the 8th of March in a national demonstration in Brussels, the last big demonstration before Belgium...

8M UNITED STATES: Working class women in the first line
Working class women, in many ways, have borne the brunt of the catastrophic mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic and the...

8M POLAND : The wave of the movement is receding, let's prepare for the next one
In the autumn of 2020, Poland was shaken by a mass movement against the abolition of the right to abortion in case of foetal...

8M AUSTRALIA: Australian Federal Government ends specialised Family Court
by David Elliott The federal government has voted to merge the Family Court with the Federal Circuit Court, meaning that on a federal...

8M AUSTRIA: Care workers on the rise
Sonja Grusch, SLP Austria It’s not a new information that women do the largest scale of house and care work. Different figures are given...
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