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ROSA Socialist Feminist Movement Ireland & abortion rights victory 5 Year Anniversary
On the 5th anniversary of the historic Repeal vote and the winning of abortion rights, Ruth Coppinger (former Socialist Party TD and...
Sweden 8M reports "Stop the cuts on healthcare"
Stockholm Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (RS) in Stockholm is a part of the 8th of March committee who arranged the demonstration in the...
Socialist Feminist Alternative in Russia spreads its wings
6thMarch – Women’s strike The initiative taken by Socialist Feminist Alternative (SFA) in Russia to call for protests in the form of a...
International Working Women's Day, Vancouver
For years, there has not been a public rally on International Working Women's Day in Vancouver. Socialist Alternative Vancouver initiated...
The green tide takes to the streets of Argentina once again
Maria Clara. The green tide takes to the streets of Argentina once again. Protests were held for March 8, and strikes are scheduled for...
On March 9th, 36 million women are expected to go on strike in Mexico
Mexico, For a socialist feminism against sexist violence! Alternativa Socialista, ASI Mexico. In the last year, millions of women have...
Solidarity with women´s day Sindh, Pakistan
The International Socialist Feminists of ROSA express their solidarity with the rally on international womens’ day in Mirpur Khas and...
The green tide returns to the streets of Argentina
On February 19, the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion occupied the streets of over 100 Argentine cities...
Bernie Sanders: The Socialist Feminist Choice
Socialist feminists looking for an avenue to fight Trump and the right wing’s attacks on women, should go all out for Sanders' program
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